The Star Mosque gets its name from the fact that it is predominantly decorated with stars. The white marble domes are decorated with hundreds of blue stars that shine in the sunlight. Throughout the mosque the walls, columns, floors and ceilings are decorated with mosaics of flowers in vases, crescents, Arabic calligraphic writing and hundreds of stars, mostly made from small chips of Chinaware crockery and pieces of glass. This unusual and beautiful form of mosaic work is known as “Chini Tikri”. After that in 1987 this three domed mosque was transformed into five domed mosque. Presently, the length and width of the mosque is 21.34m and 7.98m correspondingly.
Some changes took place in its plan; one mihrab was destroyed and two new domes and three new mihrabs were added. Five arched doorways make available entrance to the Tara Moshjid. The multifold arches recoil from octagonal pillars. Though there are no official Islamic Symbols, but several symbol or sign have been used to identify the heritage of Islam. During the spread of Islam, the star and crescent is well known symbol used to represent Islam. It shows prominently on the design of Mosques and flags. Mainly this kind of tradition was derived when the Turky region became associated with Islam.
So, please don’t forget to set a visit at Star Mosque(Tara Masjid). Beacause Star Mosque is the perfect place to see spectacular architecture and feel comfortable.
Star Mosque is very good place for visitor.
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